Healthy Eating Methods
Avoid Refined Foods
Avoid refined foods, including white flour and sugar. Avoiding white food is a good rule of thumb because most refined foods are white. Potatoes and rice fall into this category (including salt). These foods have what is known as a high-glycemic index, which causes you to store all the excess of these foods as fat. They can also raise your blood sugar and contribute to diabetes.
Eat Non-Refined Foods
The rule to remember with grains is the less it is processed, the better it is for you. Refined flour is white and flavorless and contains few nutrients, whereas unbrominated wheat flour is dark and dense and full of nutrients and fiber. Other whole grains are brown rice, barley, rye, quinoa and oats. You can purchase flours made from any of these grains to add to your cooking. Pastas made from these whole grains are becoming more common and are much more nutritious than traditional pasta.
Nonrefined sugars are also better to eat, and include honey, brown sugar and molasses.
Avoid Bad Fats
Some fats are worse than others. Saturated fats are fats that originate from animals. Red meat, eggs and dairy products (whipped cream, cheese, milk) all contain saturated fats and can increase cholesterol levels. Trans-fats should also be avoided. These are partially hydrogenated in a chemical process that makes the fat stay soft at room temperature. Trans-fats contribute to high cholesterol levels and are found in many foods, particularly snack foods and fast foods.
Eat Healthy Fats
Just as saturated and trans-fats are bad for your health, good fats can be nutritious. Omega-3 fatty acids are compounds that are good for brain and heart health. These are found in fatty fish like salmon. If you do not like fish, you can take a fish oil supplement or get your omega-3 fatty acids in another form such as flax seeds or olive oils. The fats found in nuts, especially walnuts and almonds, are unsaturated and are good for your heart.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals not available in other types of foods. They also contain fiber, which helps in proper digestion and lowers cholesterol. Fruits and vegetables are also low in calories, which make them perfect for weight-conscious people. Remember, the brighter the color, the more nutrients the fruit or vegetable has (for instance, tomatoes have more nutrients than celery). Also, remember that long cooking times can drain food of their nutrients, so eat raw or slightly crunchy vegetables when possible.
Eat Sweets
It is okay to treat yourself with sweets, but because sweets are generally high in sugar and fat, it is important to eat small portions only occasionally. If possible, seek out sweets that are nutritious. For instance, dark chocolate with a high cacao content can be a satisfying sweet snack and actually has heart-healthy benefits due to the cacao. Avoid things sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. This is a chemically derived compound that is highly sweet and is added to everything from barbeque sauces to cereals and sodas. Read labels carefully.