About Foods High in Vitamins E & B
The Facts
Vitamin E, also known as alpha tocopherol and antioxidant, has several benefits to our health such as protection of cell membranes and DNA, boosting of the immune system and prevention in heart disease. It is also beneficial when applied topically to the skin usually in a cream or oil form.
Types of Vitamin B
Vitamin B is made up of a complex consisting of eight forms of Vitamin B. They are Vitamin B1 known as thiamine, Vitamin B2 known as riboflavin, Vitamin B3 known as niacin, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B9 known as folic acid, and Vitamin B12. In conjunction, the types of Vitamin B work together to increase metabolism, promote skin health, enhance immune system function and even reduce symptoms of stress and depression. A necessity to the body, certain health conditions can occur because of a Vitamin B deficiency.
Foods With Vitamin E
Vitamin E is within the oils found in certain foods such as nuts and vegetable oils. Wheat germ possibly has the highest content of Vitamin E. One cup of wheat germ oil contains 19.5 mg of Vitamin E. Wheat germ in usually consumed in the form of fortified cereal or by preparing foods with wheat germ oil. Almonds are a rich source in Vitamin E and by eating 1 ounce of almonds a day you can provide your body with 35 perdent of Vitamin E it needs a day. One cup servings of mango, red bell pepper and turnip greens all contain a nice amount of Vitamin E.
Foods With Vitamin B
Vitamin B is found mostly in foods such as meat, dairy and whole grains. Liver has one of the highest contents of Vitamin B. It contains Vitamin B2 and B6. Summer squash in all varieties contain Vitamin B6. Wheat bran contains multiple combinations of Vitamin B, as also do different varieties of meat such as pork, turkey and certain fish. Though not recommended as part of your daily diet, foods like bacon, potato chips and pork chops contain good amounts of Vitamin B.
Some people may tend to opt for supplements instead of relying on food to furnish their vitamin intake. When taking any type of vitamin supplement, it is wise to consult with a physician to make sure you are taking the correct dosage, because an excess can also cause toxicity and adverse effects. When getting vitamins in foods, vitamin toxicity is less likely to happen. Deficiencies in Vitamin B can cause different types of anemia, pellagra and skin disorders. Deficiencies in Vitamin E are rare.