How to Detoxify Your System
Things You'll Need
- Healthy foods
- Water
- Cleaning supplies
Understand that the body naturally detoxifies itself. The liver and kidneys naturally eliminate toxic substances from the body. No special herbs are required to make this happen. It is enough to not overload the body with unhealthy foods and environmental pollutants.
Prepare your setting. Clean your house and get rid of any junk food, liquor, cigarettes and other unhealthy substances. You can't eliminate toxins from your body without getting rid of environmental allergens like dust and mold, which might be having adverse effects on your health.
Prepare your head. Before embarking on your detoxification program, meditate in the morning and afternoon for a week. This will put you in a serene, focused mindset that will take you through the program. Follow the link below for more information.
Fast for a short period. Abstain from food and drink nothing but water for 3 days. The body stores toxins in fat cells. Fasting can help to cleanse your body of these toxins. In addition, fasting can help you to break unhealthy eating habits and provide you with an event to mark a transition to a healthier way of living.
Drink plenty of water. The actual amount of water you need to drink depends on many factors, including your environment and activity level. The Mayo Clinic recommends that you drink enough water so you are rarely thirsty and your urine is either colorless or slightly yellow.
Eat a healthy diet. After your fast, cut out processed foods, reduce your intake of caffeine and do not drink more than one or two alcoholic drinks a day. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and grains and cut down your red meat consumption. See the link below for more information.