Foods That Raise Cholesterol
What Is Cholesterol?
Simply put, cholesterol is the various types of fat cells in your blood system. There are high-density lipids (HDLs), which are good to have; low-density lipids (LDLs) which are bad to have; and triglycerides (blood fats), which is sometimes referred to as the forgotten fat.
The desirable ranges of cholesterol, as determined by the American Heart Association are as follows: Total cholesterol number should be less than 200. The range of 200 to 239 is borderline high, while 240 and above is considered high cholesterol.
As for HDLs (desirable lipids), for men, the desirable level is at least 40 mg/dL. For women, the desirable level is at least 50 mg/dL. An HDL of 60 mg/dL is considered very protective against coronary problems.
When it comes to LDLs (undesirable lipids), less than 100 mg/dL is considered optimal. The range 100 to 129 mg/dL is considered nearly or above optimal; 130 to159 mg/dL is borderline high; 160 to 189 mg/dL is considered high; and 190 and above is considered very high.
Triglycerides: Less than 150 mg/dL is considered normal. The range 150 to 199 is borderline high, 200 to 499 high and 500+-plus is very high. Keep in mind that the total number may be high due to a high percentage of HDLs, which is actually good.
Everyone over the age of 20 should have their cholesterol checked with a fasting blood test at least once a year, and more often as age increases.
The Debate Over Eggs
When medical authorities began making the importance of cholesterol levels known, one of the biggest arguments was over the lowly egg. Initially, it was believed that eating eggs would raise cholesterol levels and that everyone should avoid them like the plague. However, new information shows that this belief if false, so long as eggs are eaten in moderation (no more than one egg per day, according to the American Health Association). An interesting factoid is that one of the reasons eggs seemed so bad initially was that people tend to have eggs with fatty meats, like bacon or sausage. Seven eggs a week is quite often more than a person eats normally. To raise your cholesterol, eat two eggs and bacon or sausage every morning. Don't forget to cook the eggs in the fat from the meat and put plenty of butter on your toast.
Foods That Increase Your Cholesterol Level
Almost anything in the chips and snacks aisle in the grocery store will raise your cholesterol (with the exception of some nuts). Muffins and donuts should be considered LDL champions. Each bite sends LDLs just surging through your blood. And alcohol? Might just as well be an intravenous onslaught of triglycerides. Although, in general, dairy products can be good for you--eat up that full-fat cheese, sour cream and whole milk to raise those LDLs in short order. And ice cream--fill 'er up. That full-fat frozen concoction turns from semi-solid frozen milk fats to semi-solid artery-clogging fat within hours. Chips and dip, cheese-laden nachos, French fries, birthday cake, cupcakes, cheesecake, eclairs, deep-fried onion rings and double cheeseburgers all sound so delicious, and if you are looking to raise your cholesterol level, look no further.
Foods that raise your cholesterol level raise your chances of dying of heart disease or stroke greatly. As much as we all love the fried delicacies that tempt us, high cholesterol is putting you pretty high in the lottery of no-win. In this fast-food world, people tend to be so busy that they grab quick and easy, which, in the fast food world is usually a burger and fries, but that choice is putting their health, not to mention their weight, in jeopardy. And what message are we sending to our youth? If you really want to raise your cholesterol (slow suicide by food), order the double cheeseburger with fries and chocolate shake; a better choice might be a grilled chicken breast with a side salad and a baked potato (forget the cheese and sour cream) and water.
It's Your Choice
Do you really want to raise your cholesterol and take years off your life, or do you want to back off of the foods that raise cholesterol and spend a few more years with your family and friends? Many times, it's a simple choice--fries or a salad? A salad as an appetizer instead of cheesecake as dessert? One glass of wine instead of three? A bagel with low-fat peanut butter or full-fat cream cheese? A bagel instead of a frosted and filled donut? Veggies in a low-fat dip or chips in a full-fat dip? The choice is all up to you. Consider the following questions: Shall I choose to lower my cholesterol by eating well and extending my life? Or shall I eat anything and everything I want and leave this earth (and my family) before my time.