How to Quit Eating Sugar
Things You'll Need
- willpower
The first thing you need to do in order to help yourself quit eating sugar is to clean your pantry out. Get rid of the obvious culprits, such as sugared breakfast cereals and cookies. Then look at the ingredients on other items. If it contains sugar, then pitch it.
While you're getting rid of foods with sugar in them, you might want to consider getting rid of any foods with refined carbohydrates. That would be white breads, white flour, white rice and foods with those ingredients. The thing about refined carbs is that they cause your sugar craving to continue since they convert to sugar in the body.
Be prepared. If you normally eat lunch at work, pack your own, and only pack whole foods. Sugars found in foods with fiber, such as apples, is fine. Fruit juice has too much natural sugar, though, so avoid it.
If you are very serious and want to quit eating sugar for good, get rid of your sweet tooth. If you cut out artificial sweeteners, then you will start to enjoy the natural sweetness of some vegetables and fruits more. You will get used to not having the taste of sugar around all the time.
When you're trying to quit sugar, great snacks include almonds, hard-boiled eggs and apples. These snacks are healthy and satisfying. They will not cause sugar cravings.
Be careful when you eat out. Be aware that many salad dressings contain sugar. Avoid the bread at the table and the croutons on the salads. Order chicken or fish with sides of vegetables. Don't get casserole style vegetables--I found out my favorite squash dish was loaded with sugar!
Don't take "just one bite" if you're trying to quit eating sugar. That bite will taste good, and even if you don't eat any more at that time, it will be easier to "take just one bite" another time, and then another, since you have broken that barrier. Sugar is very addictive, and it's best to stay away from it altogether. There is evidence that shows that it can be as addictive as some drugs, so if it's wrecking havoc on your health or your hips, avoid it like the plague!