How to Change Diet to Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Things You'll Need
- Balanced Vitamin / Mineral Supplement
- Balanced Omega 3 and Omega Supplements
- Bottled Water
- Flax Seed Oil
- Fresh fruits and Vegetables
- Nuts
- Wheat Grass Juice
- Whole Grain Brown Rice
- Whole Grain Oatmeal
Take a balanced multi-vitamin / mineral supplement, spirulina supplement, omega 3 and omega 6 supplement and flax seed oil supplement everyday. Take the dosages recommended on the packages. The mutli-vitamin supplement will help the body to obtain all the vitamins that it needs. Spirulina helps the body to cleanse and detox. The omega 3 and omega 6 and the flax seed provide the body with essential fatty acids that are beneficial to brain and organ function.
Eliminate all processed foods from the diet. Processed foods fill the body up with empty calories that provide little or no nutritional value. In addition, processed foods contain preservatives that are bad for your health.
Drink plenty of bottled or filtered water everyday. Quality water is essential for health. Water helps the body to cleanse and detox and keeps the body hydrated for optimum health.
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables everyday. Eat certified organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible to minimize pesticide exposure. Fruits and vegetables provide a good source of vitamins and antioxidants in the diet. Try to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, instead of eating the same ones everyday. Eating different fruits and vegetables expands the variety of nutrients in the diet.
Include raw unsalted nuts in the diet. Nuts are an excellent source of protein. Nuts also have good fats that are essential for brain and organ function.
Eat whole grain brown rice and whole grain oatmeal. Whole grains are nutritious and have fiber that helps the digestive system to eliminate waste and toxins.
Go vegetarian if possible. Meat can be hard on the digestive system and can have a lot of toxins in it. Protein requirements can be met by eating nuts and tofu. An added benefit to eating soy is that soy is a natural estrogen source. Only eat organic tofu and soy products. Non organic soy products often contain a lot of pesticide residue.
Drink a small shot of wheat grass juice everyday. Wheat grass juice is nutritious and cleanses the body. The taste of wheat grass juice is strong. A juice chaser will wash the flavor out of your mouth. Wheat grass juice can be purchased at juice bars and health food stores.
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