What Is Chlorophyll Made Of?
Wheat berries are sprouted to make wheat grass which can be juiced to provide a powerful shot of wheat grass juice --- loaded with chlorophyll.
Why consume it? It is full of vitamins, minerals and is purported to cleanse the blood. Raw foodies and juicing purists swear by it.
Chlorophyll is a polyprhin ring that refers to the way its molecules are set up. This allows for free electrons to remain available to help new plant cells grow. Chlorophyll is the result of photosynthesis when the sun's energy is absorbed by a plant and water and carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen and glucose.
Researchers have found that chlorophyll is similar to human blood except its main atom is magnesium; in human blood it is iron.
Scientists have learned that chlorophyll is green as the plants in which it is found absorb red, an ultraviolent light, and reflect back the green color. Chlorophyll has been classified as types a, b, c, d and e.
Plants have chlorophyll and, by the process of photosynthesis, they "outgas" oxygen, which is important for all life --- especially human life.
Photosynthesis takes carbon dioxide and water; when the plant is exposed to sunlight, it is able to make glucose and oxygen.
Plants must have chlorophyll to grow and mature; they would not survive without chlorophyll. Were there less plant life on Earth, there would be considerably less oxygen, too.
Chlorophyll is consumed by people for its nutritional benefits. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties and may help cuts and wounds heal more quickly. Chlorophyll has vitamins A, C and E, all antioxidants that help scavenge free radical cells that can oxidize and create cell or tissue death.
Wheat grass is a popular example: It is clear when you drink this chlorophyll-packed liquid that many antioxidants are present. People with a desire to clear their skin or to help it detoxify are the ones who will seek out wheat grass "shots."
Chlorophyll, made mostly of carbon and hydrogen, is a big molecule. At the middle is one magnesium atom and several atoms with nitrogen surrounding it; this is called a porphyrin ring.
The molecular makeup of chlorophyll is similar to that of the heme component of hemoglobin found in human blood.
While many people are able to safely consume high-chlorophyll-containing foods such as wheat grass, others find it so strong that they cannot hold it down. Do not self-diagnose. If you have a serious health issue or any chronic diseases, ask your doctor for help.