Health Benefits of Bananas
One of the most widespread fruit crops in the world, bananas are popular because of their nutritional value, ease of consumption, storage and disposal. Unlike other fruits, they do not need to be refrigerated, cut or sliced before consumption. Bananas are the fruit of a plant of the genus Musa. They are cultivated primarily for food but are also used as a source of fiber for the textile industry. In some parts of the world, they're used for ornamental purposes.
The bananas we find today are the result of crossing two inedible, wild species of bananas. The original wild bananas had seeds and were found in the Pacific and Southeast Asia. It is believed that bananas originated around 2000 B.C in Malaysia. Around 327 B.C, Alexander is believed to have brought bananas from India to the Western world. In 1836, mutant yellow bananas were accidentally discovered and found to be edible and sweet, without having to be cooked. Bananas gradually began to be included as desserts, and today they form part of a staple diet.
Bananas are packed with nutrients that help improve and maintain good health. They provide immediate and prolonged energy. They are a good source of fiber and can help restore normal bowel movement, relieving constipation and diarrhea. They are rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. They help regulate blood pressure and are easy to digest, even by babies. They have no fat and replace essential nutrients lost during exercise. They can control mood and help reduce depression. Rich in iron, bananas help hemoglobin function. They contain a compound that nourishes probiotic bacteria, therefore enhancing digesting ability and protecting from unhealthy bacteria. They also increase the body's ability to absorb calcium, thereby strengthening bones. Bananas are good for kidney health and may reduce the risk of kidney cancer. Bananas can help reduce heartburn and morning sickness, and improve nerve function.
Depending on the stage they are in, bananas can be cooked or eaten raw. Green-tipped bananas need to be cooked or ripened before consumption. Yellow bananas may be eaten as they are; brown-speckled ones can be used for baking.
Because bananas contain sugars, they may help reduce sweet cravings and can be used in place of other artificially sweetened substances. However, people with diabetes are advised to eat them in moderation and to alternate them with grapefruit.
Eating bananas is believed to make younger children and babies more susceptible to insect bites. In places where insect bites are common, banana intake among children should be reduced and alternated with garlic.