What Does Protein Do for the Body?
Protein is used by the body for many different reasons, but one of the most important ones is its function as the building blocks for muscle. This fact leads many weightlifters and athletes eating huge amounts of it every day.
It is also used for brain function, cell regeneration, healthier skin and hair, and it is even responsible for increased immune function. Without it, the body would cease to function.
One of the biggest misconceptions about protein is how much of it the body needs. Many weight trainers believe that they need 1 to 2 g per pound of body weight. This is much higher than the average recommendation. For an average person, 0.8 to 1 g per kilogram of body weight is optimal. (Kilograms can be figured out by dividing your weight by 2.2). It is true that athletes need more protein when exercising at intense levels for long periods of time, but it should still be in the 1.2 to 1.8 g/kg range. The body can only digest so much at a time. Anything above or beyond this limit will be either stored as fat, used for energy or eliminated form the body.
The best place to find protein is from animal sources. This includes fish, chicken, beef, eggs, milk, cheese and yogurt. There are also a variety of good vegetarian sources as well, including tofu, tempeh, edamame, nuts, seeds and grains. Nut butters are also a good source of protein, but they should be used sparingly as they are high in fat as well.
The low-protein diet is usually undertaken by people who are doing a raw food or fruit fast. It is usually not long term, and the body gets just enough to survive.
The no-protein diet is usually part of an organized fast where the only thing allowed is water. This is usually for one health reason or another, andis under the supervision of a professional.
The most popular diet plan is the balanced diet. It features the correct amount of protein being eaten in a balance with carbs and fats.
Care should be taken in the preparation of protein. Steak and chicken are two of the most popular protein sources, but they are often accompanied by butter, cheese or heavy sauces when served in restaurants and bars. Also be on guard for anything that is deep fried, as these items are loaded with saturated fat.
Expert Insight
Protein also comes in powdered form. Whey protein is one of the most popular forms sold by many companies at health food stores, gyms and even grocery stores. Always be aware of ingredients and label claims when buying protein powders. Some of these products have artificial flavors and colors, which could cause adverse reactions in the body.