Foods Containing Vitamin B
Vitamin B is essential for the body and plays many valuable roles. The vitamin B complex is made up of twelve related, water-soluble substances. There are eight that are crucial to healthy nutrition and must be consumed on a daily basis.They are:
B 1 (thiamin)
B 2 (riboflavin)
B 3 (niacin)
B 5 (pantothenic acid)
B 6 (pyridoxine)
B 7 (biotin)
B 9 (folic acid)
B 12 (cobalamin)
Vitamin B plays an important role in the body. It's responsible for supplying energy to the body during the exchange of glucose from carbohydrates. It also helps us to metabolize the proteins and fats that we consume. Vitamin B also maintains the well-being of our nervous systems. Studies have shown that vitamin B can assist with memory and overall brain power. Additionally, a number of B vitamins assist with the preservation of red blood cells, cell growth, hormonal production, the health of hair, skin, nails and blood pressure.
The best sources of vitamin B are fresh dairy products and meats. The word fresh is key, as the nutritional value of foods can decline when they are frozen, overcooked, or combined with different additives. Dark-green leafy vegetables such as spinach, arugula, kale, collard greens, chicory, dandelion greens and Swiss chard, are a great source of folic acid. By steaming these vegetables as opposed to frying or simmering, you reap the greatest benefits because their vitamin content remains intact.
Folate and folic acid (B 9) can be found in beans. Kidney beans, chickpeas, lentils and navy beans are great sources along with fruits like bananas and berries and different grains such as wheat germ, oatmeal, whole wheat, brown rice and Brewer's yeast. Since 1998, United States food manufacturers have been obligated to add a certain amount of folic acid to supplement their products. Fortified products include flours, cereals, pastas, breads and cereals. Liver, beef, kidney, turkey, chicken and seafood such as tuna and salmon are additional sources of vitamin B. Dairy products like eggs (especially the yolks), milk, cheese and yogurt provide additional supplies of vitamin B. Nuts are healthy as well.
The amount of Vitamin B that is recommended for a person tends to differ according to their age, sex and weight. There are also debates regarding how much vitamin B a person needs and how much is too much and can become harmful. Vitamin B complex deficiency can be a serious condition, depending on its extent. Currently, there are millions of people that are deficient in vitamin B for a myriad of reasons. Causes of vitamin B deficiency include:
psychological and physical stress
an excess of drugs (both prescribed and recreational)
malnutrition and toxins
poor eating habits
Chronic vitamin B deficiency can lead to serious health risks and medical conditions. Since Vitamin B complex is accountable for so much of the body's well being, a lack of it can result in symptoms, including:
fatigue and exhaustion
depression, anxiety and mental instability
heart palpitations and arrhythmia
indigestion, malnourishment
aches, tremors and tingling
Expert Insight
Most conditions that stem from Vitamin B deficiency can be treated and some can even be prevented. Levels of Vitamin B can be checked by blood tests. Your doctor may run various blood panels to check you for conditions such as vitamin B12 deficiency anemia. This would include a red blood cell count and folic acid levels. There are various supplements and shots that can be administered to a patient, that will help bring up their levels. A nutritionist or dietician may be helpful in creating a meal plan that allows you to reap the maximum nutritional benefits of your food.