How to Use a Runner's Detox Program
Rethink your diet. Contrary to popular belief, detox isn't fasting and surviving off of primarily raw juices for weeks. A runner's body needs more than that. A detox program forces you to evaluate the types of foods that you eat that may actually impair your performance on the track or on the trail.
Integrate more berries, nuts, green vegetables, brown rice and whole grains into your diet. It's much easier to explain the foods that you avoid while detoxing, since the limitations are what you can eat are not as great as you might think. The big no-nos are the very things that are known to be not-so-good for your waistline or your peak performance in the first place: caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, bread, cow's milk and cheese, salt, sugar, red meat, white flour and peanuts.
Find alternatives to favorite runner's treats. Peanut butter is a common, feel-good treat. Try almond butter instead. It's a detox-friendly treat. Bananas, too, are considered no-nos because of the starch. Try plums, prunes or a variety of different berries for a change of pace. They're naturally sweet, post-run treats.
Don't forget the juice. Fresh fruit and vegetable juice is a good complement for the detox program. Choose vegetables and fruits that are naturally flavorful and DO NOT add any sugar. Keep it as natural as possible. These are good pre- and post-run foods and can actually be good meal replacements if you have enough variety of fruits and veggies in your smoothie or juice concoction.
Think about how you chew. You might be ravenous a few hours after a long run. Slow down. Chewing food slowly and properly is a way to reset your digestive system and get it running properly again.
Start the day with a glass of hot water and lemon juice. Though it sounds weird, it's actually a good digestive system boost and a great way to prepare your body for the morning run.
Don't ever skimp on the water. As a runner, you probably get far more than the eight glasses of water that's recommended each day. However, making sure you get at least that much is even more important for active people. Your performance may actually be hindered because you haven't been drinking enough before, during (particularly if it's a long run) or after your runs.
Consider yoga. On a day off from your run or on the day when you usually run a shorter distance, consider getting into yoga. The benefits are great for runners: from improved tone and flexibility, to promotion of good breathing techniques and circulation. It's more than New Age nonsense -- it can be a practical part of your running program. If yoga isn't quite your thing, at least take some time before and after your runs to stretch properly and reflect on what you want to achieve with your running.
Don't go overboard. Detox makes you evaluate your nutrition and lifestyle in a way that will have a long-term impact on your health and peak performance. Don't restrict yourself too much to certain foods. You still need good fats in your diet. Don't become too radical with your diet or the program will backfire. As a runner, you need more food for energy than the average, less active person. If you restrict yourself too much, your health will suffer. You'll be exhausted, you'll begin to appear more emaciated, even your skin and hair will suffer, becoming acne-prone, dry and damaged.