How to Cure a Hangover in the Morning
Hydrate yourself. This is the most important thing and must be done before anything else. You didn't do it the night before, so start right now. Even if you're feeling sick to your stomach, you absolutely must start drinking water and lots of it. Not only does work to naturally flush toxins out of your system, it hydrates you. That headache you have is from lack of hydration, so start drinking more water.
Take aspirin. Put down the bottle of acetaminophen as it's bad for your liver. You already did damage enough to that organ last night. Also, studies have shown that taking acetaminophen while consuming alcohol can lead to even worse liver damage. Aspirin also works faster on aches and pains. If your stomach is really sensitive, take ibuprofen instead.
Eat protein and vitamin-rich food. What your body needs is protein for fuel, and vitamins to replace the ones depleted from the night before. A couple of eggs, an orange or half a grapefruit and a glass of pomegranate juice will definitely get your body on the track to feeling more normal.
Rest and recuperate. The best cure for the hangover is to let your body recover in its own time. If you don't have an entire day to sleep and let yourself recover, put aside at least 20 minutes that you have to yourself and lay down. Even if you can't fall asleep completely, letting your body rest is very important. You'll feel the difference when you get up.
Prevent it from happening again. In the future if you come home drunk knowing that you may wake up with a hangover, drink two full glasses of water before you go to bed. If you have a multi-vitamin you take, take another for good measure and a couple of aspirin. Your body will thank you in the morning.