How to eat to Prevent Kidney Stones
Take a fiber supplement. Diets that are complete with insoluble fibers help prevent kidney stones, by not allowing the intestines to soak up as much calcium as well as flushing out excess calcium through the stool as opposed to the urinary tract.
Eat foods with calcium. These help keep oxalates out of kidneys by causing them to perform a function instead of being disregarded by the body as waste.
Try eating more cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring and sardines. Eating them twice a week may help prevent kidney stones.
Find foods that are high in potassium such bananas. Potassium attaches itself to calcium in the urine and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
Sit down to a meal of a small amount of meat and large amount of vegetables, fruits and grain. A healthy diet rich in these foods is the best prevention for kidney stones.
Drink plenty of water. Doctors recommend 8 to 10 ounces an hour during the waking hours.