How to Grow Your Nails
Consume foods rich in calcium, like broccoli, spinach, watermelon and cantaloupe. Strive to include about 50 percent raw vegetables and fruits in your diet. The other 50 percent should consist of healthy proteins like soy and fish, as well as whole grains and legumes. Nails need biotin and silicon as well as vitamins A through E.
Supplement your diet with herbal teas like horsetail (rich in silicon and other nutrients). Dandelion and alfalfa teas are both rich in vitamins and iron. Alfalfa is a source of protein.
Take a 15-minute walk in the sun to receive an adequate supply of vitamin D. Reports indicate that most people are deficient in this vitamin. It’s essential for calcium absorption (needed to grow nails) and to balance hormones.
Keep your nails hydrated. Nails need moisture in order to grow healthy. Make sure to drink plenty of water (your weight divided by half and converted to ounces). Apply moisturizer immediately after washing your hands.
Use products like Grow Nails Now by Sally Hansen. The formula’s bioactive vita-soy complex penetrates multiple layers on the nail to provide nutrients essential for growth.
Soak your fingers in a water solution containing tea tree or pau d’arco. Boil about three cups of water, add a couple of tea bags and let the water cool down. Soak your fingertips for about 15 minutes. This will kill any yeast or fungus present, which can prevent your nails from growing and looking healthy.