How to Get More Grains With Wheat Germ
Wheat germ is the center of wheat kernels, or the part of the wheat that germinates to become wheat grass. Wheat germ is one of the greatest nutritional foods available, as each ounce contains more nutrients than any other grain. If you are trying to get more grains in your daily diet, wheat germ is easy to use and great for your health.Instructions
Get more grains in your diet as well as more protein, vitamins and minerals. Wheat germ is fantastic for vegetarians as it contains multiple B vitamins, protein and iron. Additionally it is a great source of vitamin E, potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, lecithin, calcium, zinc, selenium and magnesium.
Enjoy the delicately sweet and nutty flavor of wheat germ in your baking. Wheat germ complements just about any bread as well as cakes and cookies. Simply swap one-quarter of the required amount of flour in your favorite recipes with wheat germ.
Start your day with a boost of grains by eating wheat germ for breakfast. It's great when you prepare it warm, like oatmeal, with honey and the milk of your choice. You can also sprinkle it onto fruit or mix it in with your cereal, eggs or yogurt.
Add wheat germ to your other meals as well, as it complements spaghetti sauces, casseroles, stuffing, potato and tuna salads, cottage cheese and veggie dips.