How to Eat More Vitamin F
Know that as a man you will need about 5 times more vitamin F, or essential fatty acids, than women. While the average recommended intake for all adults is about 2 g, some sources recommend only 1 to 2 g for women and up to 5 g for men.
Make sure that no more than 3 g of your daily intake of vitamin F comes from fish oil, as fish oils often contain trace metals as well as excessive supplies of vitamin A. Because omega 6 essential fatty acid deficiency is virtually unknown, place your focus on eating more omega 3's.
Take a multivitamin supplement that includes vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C, as these three vitamins help to increase the absorption of vitamin F in the body.
Boost your intake of vitamin F in the days preceding and following x-rays or exposure to radiation, as it destroys the body's stores.
Eat plenty of wild fish, as their diet of vitamin F rich algae makes them a great source of essential fatty acids as well. Make sure that you purchase wild fish fresh and prepare it in a healthy manner, such as baking or steaming.
Include vitamin F rich oils in your favorite recipes to help you eat more essential fatty acids. Particularly great sources of vitamin F include flaxseed oil, corn oil and soybean oil.
Snack on nuts and seeds, as their oils are also fantastic sources of vitamin F; however, remember that nuts and seeds are high in fat and calories and you should only enjoy them in moderation.