How to Eat More Lecithin
Be aware that there are several substances which can limit the body's absorption of lecithin and therefore call for greater intake of this important vitamin. Drinking alcohol, taking antibiotics, aspirin and oral contraceptives as well as liver disease can all lead to lecithin deficiency.
Eat more soybeans, one of the greatest sources of lecithin known to man. Whole soy beans, tofu, soy cheese, soy milk and other soy products will all help you to eat more lecithin.
Include more eggs, particularly the yolks, in your daily diet; however, remember that egg yolks are high in cholesterol, so take caution if you suffer from high cholesterol, high blood pressure or heart disease.
Get plenty of green leafy vegetables as well as cauliflower in your diet, all great sources of lecithin and other vitamins and minerals essential for proper body function. In addition to vegetables, eating more citrus fruits can great increase your lecithin intake.
Increase your intake of unprocessed whole grains, which not only boost your intake of lecithin, they also aid lecithin in some of it's greatest functions, the elimination of fat deposits from the liver and arteries.