How to Eat More Vitamin B2
Make sure that you get at least 1 mg of Vitamin B2 each day from your diet; however, there is little concern about eating too much, as excess over 25 mg are excreted in urine, prevent toxic effects.
Be aware that certain substances can block the absorption of vitamin B2 and may require greater levels of intake each and every day. These substances include sulfur drugs, anti-malarial drugs, estrogeth, cathartic agents, alcohol and some antibiotics. Finally, tranquilizers and anti-depressants may also inhibit absorption, so boost your dietary intake if necessary.
Preserve vitamin B2 in foods by eating foods fresh and raw whenever possible, as heat and exposure to light can destroy the vitamin. Additionally, while organ meats are often hailed as one of the highest sources of B2, and you should only eat them if they come from organic and hormone free sources.
Eat plenty of dairy products and eggs, some of the best sources of vitamin B2. If you are a vegetarian, make sure that you eat plenty of nuts, seed and legumes, particularly almonds, sunflower seeds, Brazil nuts, soy products and beans of all kinds. You can get sufficient amounts of B2 from grains as well, particularly wheat germ, bran and oats.
Get your vitamin B2 from fruit sources, such as dates, and vegetables including green leafy veggies, corn and green peas.
Boost your intake of fish and you are sure to get plenty of vitamin B2 as well as essential fatty acids. The best fish sources of riboflavin include scallops, salmon and mackerel.