How to Curb Coffee Cravings
Ween yourself off the coffee slowly to help reduce caffeine cravings. Start mixing decaf coffee into your regular mix, adding a bit more each week until all you are drinking is decaf. Your taste buds will never notice the difference and your need for caffeine will very slowly diminish, reducing headaches, irritability and fatigue which comes with caffeine withdrawal.
Eat five or six small meals throughout the day, making sure that you include at least one protein source in each meal. Eating multiple times will help to control blood sugar levels and ensure that your body has a constant energy source, helping to prevent the caffeine crash which makes your body want a cup of joe.
Drink plenty of water and get regular exercise to help flush the caffeine from your system as quickly as possible. Water and exercise also help to boost your energy and combat fatigue caused by caffeine withdrawal. If you are accustomed to regular coffee breaks throughout the day, take a brisk walk instead.
Substitute a hot cup of coffee with a hot cup of green tea. Green tea has a wonderful flavor and offers a boost of energy, but is also full of antioxidants and flavonoids which are great for your health.