How to Curb Cravings for Fatty Foods
Get enough healthy fat in your diet. When your body needs fat to function, it cannot decipher the difference between good and bad fats, so you must make the decision on your own to choose coconut, avocado, olive oil and other healthy fats in place of deep fried foods, packaged snacks and other fatty foods.
Keep your blood sugar levels even and steady throughout the day to avoid strong cravings when your energy is low. Because most fatty foods are also high in carbohydrates, your body may crave them in an attempt to boost your energy. Curb cravings by eating three full meals and two or three healthy snacks each day.
Take a B vitamin complex supplement, as B vitamins are commonly lacking in the average diet. B vitamins are essential for energy maintenance as they help to metabolize carbohydrates and sugars. Making sure you get your B vitamins each day can help to curb cravings for fatty foods high in carbohydrates. Choose a B complex vitamin that includes 10 to 25mg of each vitamin.
Cut back on caffeine, as the boost of energy effects blood sugar levels in a similar way to carbohydrates and sugar. It is important to avoid the energy rush and subsequent crash, as the moment when your energy falls is when the cravings for fatty foods take over. Replace coffee or energy drinks with green tea which is high in antioxidants, offers a mild energy boost and is thought to help curb a number of food cravings.
Take a time out when you feel the cravings coming on. Because cravings for fatty foods and junk foods are often ways to feed emotions, taking a moment to talk to a friend, write in a journal, take a walk or do some other form of exercise or simply distract your mind can allow the emotional need to pass and in turn curb the physical craving.