How to Curb Cravings on a Raw Food Diet
Eat enough raw foods each day to meet your caloric needs. The number one reason why people experience cravings on a raw food diet is that they simply do not eat enough. You should eat three full meals each day with two or three snack in between.
Heat up some raw soup when you are craving hot foods. Prepare a soup and then eat it on the stove in a double boiler. Keep a thermometer in the soup and make sure that it does not exceed 105 degrees Fahrenheit. In this way you can enjoy a hot bowl of soup without going from raw to cooked.
Curb cravings for sweets on a raw food diet by satisfying your desire with raw sweets. There are many recipes available for raw food brownies, ice cream and other dessert foods. Many times a bowl of fruit with a bit of honey is just as satisfying as your favorite candy bar.
Purchase a food dehydrator if your raw food diet is long term or something you plan on doing often. A food dehydrator allows you to prepare breads, crackers, pizza and other normally cooked items without actually cooking the food. Because cravings on a raw food diet are sometimes as simple as a slice of pizza or something crunchy, a dehydrator is a great way to eat some of your old favorites without breaking your diet.
Get the nutrients your body needs, as a lack of fat and/or protein is enough to cause strong cravings for foods not allowed on a raw food diet. Make sure that you include healthy oils, avocados, coconut and other foods that contain fats in your daily diet. Additionally, nutritional yeast, sprouted beans and nuts help you to get the protein your body needs and curb cravings for meats and other protein sources.