How to Curb Ice Cream Cravings
Explore the real reasons why you want ice cream so badly. Often taking 10 minutes to write in a journal, go for a short walk or distract your mind with a book is enough for the desire to pass. If you want ice cream when you are exhausted, stressed, sad or feeling another strong emotion, distraction or exploration of the feeling by journaling or talking to a friend may be all you need to curb the craving.
Eat enough throughout the day. Eat three full meals with two or three snacks in between so that your body has a constant source of energy. When the afternoon comes and your body is lacking an energy source, sugar cravings can hit with full force, so ensuring that your body gets the food it needs steadily throughout the day can curb nighttime sugar cravings.
Change your daily routine. If you are accustomed to enjoying a sweet snack or bowl of ice cream after dinner, your body will be expecting that treat and you will experience strong cravings. Try replacing your after meal sweets with a piece of fruit or a cup of tea. It may take time for your body to adjust to a new routine, but a simple change can make all the difference.
Exercise when the cravings become too much to handle. Not only does exercise help to curb hunger, it is a positive way to get your mind off of food and onto improving your health and lifestyle. Exercise does not need to be high impact, rather you stretch, lift light weights, go swimming or take the dog for a walk instead of reaching for the tub of ice cream in the freezer.
Feed the craving with something other than ice cream if you simply cannot kick the desire. For example, you might enjoy a small bowl of sugar-free, low-fat frozen yogurt with fresh fruit or even make raw ice cream by mashing a few bananas and adding a spoonful of honey. A healthier sweet snack can be instantly gratifying while avoiding feeding your craving of the pure fat and sugar that ice cream offers.