How to Use Wheat Grass
Things You'll Need
- Wheatgrass seeds
- 4 inch deep seed tray
- Top soil
- Peat moss
- Heavy duty juicer
Understanding the Benefits
Wheatgrass juice is very rich in chlorophyll and enzymes. It contains more than 60 percent chlorophyll, which promotes increased hemoglobin production. This in turn increases the capacity of the blood to transport oxygen. This can eliminate toxins form digestion, air pollution, smoking and heavy metal ingestion. It also improves brain functioning and digestion, reduces blood pressure and prevent tooth decay.
If you want instant fresh wheatgrass juice, many health food restaurants and juice bars will juice it on request. The enzymes in wheatgrass are very unstable and once the grass has been juiced it will begin to lose is nutritional value, after a couple of hours it will have no remaining benefits.
It is possible to make your own wheatgrass juice at home so you have the full health benefits on had daily. It usually takes between six and nine days for the seed to germinate and develop into grass that is ready for juicing. If the seeds are kept at a regular temperature (around 70 degrees) they will last for up to three years. The fresh grass itself should be cut and juice within a maximum of one week, after that it will lose its benefits and become bitter.
How to Grow Wheatgrass
Sprout the seeds in water for six to 10 hours.
Fill a 4-inch deep seed tray with a half and half mix of peat moss and top soil.
Drain the seeds and sprinkle them evenly over the soil, then cover them with about 1/2 inch of top soil.
Water the tray lightly without disturbing the evenness of the soil or uncovering the seeds.
Set the tray in direct sunlight and continue watering as needed.
When the grass in around seven inches tall (in about 10 days), harvest and juice as required.