How to Benefit From Sea Salt
Get a mineral boost by replacing refined table salt with unrefined sea which contains more magnesium, calcium, bromides and potassium than refine table salt. Magnesium helps to combat stress and fluid retention, slows the aging of skin and calms the nervous system. Calcium builds strong bones while bromides work to reduce stiffness and muscle tension. Potassium helps to balance the moisture of the skin and give the body energy.
Include sea salt in your regular diet as the mineral content and alkalizing effect is said to help reduce the pain of arthritis and soothe acid reflux. A single tsp. of unrefined sea salt added to your dog's food can even help to increase the quality of life in arthritic dogs.
Add sea salts to a warm bath which allows the healing minerals to be absorbed through the skin. Sea salts can help to relax the muscles, relieve stress, reduce joint pain and soothe itchy skin. Additionally, sea salts can help the body to release toxins, such as heavy metals or radiation.
Mix a 50/50 solution of castor oil and sea salt and soak a cotton ball in the solution. Tape the cotton ball to boils, infections or skin ulcers and leave overnight to help clear the infection and promote healing.
Cleanse your entire digestive tract by drinking 2 tsp. of sea salt and 32 oz. of warm water on an empty stomach. The solution will help to clear toxins from the liver and remove wastes from the digestive tract. Just remember that this remedy works like a laxative, but is much faster and more effective.
Stir 1 tsp. of unrefined sea salt in a glass of water and gargle to help reduce the pain and heal the infection that causes a sore throat. A sea salt gargle twice a day should quickly clear up the problem.