How to Treat Excessive Thirst
Determine if you have excessive thirst. Excessive thirst means that the body is no longer managing its water need. If you feel thirsty even after a glass of water, and this continues more than once, you should see your medical professional to determine if and/or why you have excessive thirst. Excessive thirst could be a symptom of diabetes or another ailment that needs to be determined by you and your medical professional. It could also be caused by a medication.
Notice what you've been eating. After eating a salty, spicy or oily meal you can feel excessive thirst. Drink a few glasses of water and see if you feel better.
Pay attention to the weather. When it is hot out, you'll feel thirsty. Some water should help replenish your body.
Be sure to drink extra when you are exercising or sweating for any reason. If your body sweats, this will cause you to feel thirsty. You should feel better when you can cool off and have a few glasses of water.
Check your medications for excessive thirst side effects.