Arthritis Pain Relief Diet
Arthritis is a disease that occurs where the body begins to attack its own cartilage. As cartilage is destroyed, movement around the joints becomes less smooth, allowing the bones to rub together and increasing pressure during everyday activities (like walking). This leads to the typical symptoms of arthritis--pain, inflammation and swelling.
Arthritis and Diet
As arthritis is a disease of inflammation, the goal in using dietary therapy to treat arthritis is to consume foods that have a proven effect for reducing systemic inflammation while avoiding foods that trigger the exacerbation of symptoms. This is referred to as a "targeted elimination diet," where specific items are removed to effectuate and assist in the healing process.
Arthritis Diet Recommendations
According to the experts at, there are two major medically proven ways to combat arthritis--increase the number of omega-3 fats in your diet and increase your consumption of green tea. Omega-3 fats are found in seafood and grass-fed beef and chicken, and are available in over-the-counter supplements such as fish oil. Both fish oil and green tea can help to reduce inflammation, relieving the symptoms of arthritis. At least 5g to 10g of omega-3 fats per day and a glass or two of green tea should help.
Low-Carb Diets
Beyond that, low-carb diets have also been shown to curb inflammation in the body. According to an article published in the December 2007 edition of Science Daily, consumption of a low-carb diet was found to significantly decrease systemic inflammation within the body when compared to the effects seen from a low-fat diet. Combining a low-carb diet with consumption of fish oil and green tea can synergistically work to relieve your arthritis pain.
Adopt this philosophy by starting a low-carb diet, relegating yourself to 30g of carbs per day. Maintain this level of consumption for at least two weeks, during which time you should write down any noticed improvements in your symptoms. At the end of the two weeks, increase your carbs to 40g per day, again noting any changes in your symptoms. Continue increasing your carbs limit weekly until you find your limit--the point at which your symptoms begin to return.