How to Choose Whole Grain Breads
Tips for Choosing Whole-Grain Bread
Know what types of whole grains are available. In breads as well as in other foods, you will find whole grains readily available. Some whole grains include barley, whole wheat, buckwheat, bulgur, millet and oatmeal. By contrast, couscous, enriched pastas, grits, white bread and white rice are examples of refined grains, which are not as good for you.
Read labels. While whole-grain breads can include whole wheat, multi grain, rye and pumpernickel could be fully whole-grain breads, in the United States, most packaged products are not. Only whole-wheat bread is regularly sold like this as a true whole-grain product.
Don't believe that when a product is labeled as "made with whole wheat" means that the bread is made with whole grains. Rather, these are often refined. Read the labels to find out what the percentage of whole grains is in the product.
To choose whole grains, look for labels that say, they are made with whole wheat, whole grain or rye. Don't buy products that say cracked wheat, made with whole grain, multi grain, oat bran, pumpernickel, seven bran, 12 bran, stoned wheat, whole bran or seven grain, as these are often refined grain products.
Choose whole-grain breads by making your own. Many recipes for whole-grain bread are available online. Ingredients are available in most grocery stores as well as in whole foods and health foods stores. With the ability to use bread makers, making your own fresh whole-grain bread may be the best route to take.