How to Follow a Clear Liquid Diet
Go over the diet with a nurse or doctor. A staff member should give you instructions with a list of foods that are suitable for the diet.
Stock up on juices without pulp. If you can see through the fruit juice, then it's probably OK on a clear liquid diet. Many patients can have apple juice, white cranberry and white grape juices.
Freeze the fruit juices or eat fruit pops. For variety, you can freeze the clear juices and eat them that way.
Drink soup broth. Soup broth and bouillon are other staples of a clear liquid diet. There should be nothing solid in the broth.
Eat gelatin while on the diet. Dark colored gelatin, like red and purple, is not allowed. Patients often enjoy lemon and lime flavored gelatins on the diet.
Steer clear of any solid foods. Vegetables, meats and dairy products are examples of foods that are not allowed on a clear liquid diet.