How to Identify Dehydration Risk Factors
Keep a check on diarrhea. Diarrhea, especially in children, is a leading cause of death for children around the world. Children's bodies are very small and a prolonged bout increases the risk of dehydration.
Look for excessive sweating. Endurance sports are a risk factor for dehydration because of the excess sweating that occurs during competition. Endurance athletes must take special care to hydrate their bodies. Athletes who participate in competitions such as marathons, biking tournaments, triathlons have been known to suffer from dehydration. Endurance athletes find it difficult to hydrate their bodies while they are training or participating in competitions, which results in dehydration.
Beware of high altitudes. Another less known risk factor for dehydration is living in high altitudes. One of the ways in which the body attempts to adjust to the high altitude is frequent urination and rapid breathing. The body breathes faster because it is trying to capture more oxygen from the air. The increase in breathing rate allows moisture to dissipate with each breath.
Treat prolonged chronic illnesses. Untreated illnesses such diabetes, kidney disease and alcoholism to name a few are risk factors for dehydration. In addition to prolonged chronic illness, the common cold or any ailment that takes inhibits a person's desire to eat and drink contributes to dehydration.