How to Boost Energy With Food
Eat smaller meals often. This refuels your body throughout the day and evens out levels of energy and blood sugar levels, so there are very few ups and downs that come with quick fixes like coffee and energy drinks.
Drink plenty of water. Most people do not drink enough to stay properly hydrated on a daily basis. Dehydration is the most common cause of diminished levels of energy.
Eat fresh fruit and veggies. These are good for you in a lot of ways, but especially good for energy levels with the calcium and potassium they contain. The fiber in fresh fruits makes you feel full and the natural sweetness can help satisfy a sweet tooth. Try nibbling on baby carrots, which are easy to transport and keep hands busy.
Try dried fruits for more convenience. Some good and easy ones are dried peaches and raisins. Both are low fat, calorie, and sodium snacks that have plenty of potassium and iron which helps fortify energy.
Eat some sesame sticks. They are high in protein, and low in fat and calories. They are a quick and easy way to get boosts of natural energy throughout the day with protein.
Have some low fat peanut butter on celery or wheat bread. Peanut butter can be fattening if eaten too much, but it is excellent for an energy-boosting snack because it is so high in protein. Eat the peanut butter with something healthy and not chocolate.
Eat some string cheese. It is easy to transport and gives a low calorie boost with all of the calcium and protein contained in it.