How to Determine WIC Income Guidelines
Look at basic eligibility. WIC recipients must be pregnant, post-partum or breastfeeding women, infants to 1 year old or children under 5 years old.
Check with the Department of Agriculture. The USDA site shows the standard income eligibility, which is less than 185 percent of the Federal poverty income level. However, each state sets the actual income guidelines for its residents.
Determine the state criteria. Most states use the maximum guideline of 185% of the poverty level; however, states may also set lower income limits. States may also allow eligibility based on receipt of other benefit programs, such as Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, food stamps or Medicaid. Each state has a website and phone number for information on its WIC income guidelines.
Make an appointment. Call the nearest WIC clinic for an appointment to determine eligibility. When making the appointment, ask what documentation will be required to prove income level. The state WIC website or the phone book will have a listing of the nearest WIC clinic. Clients must apply in person except in very special cases.
Gather documentation. Pay stubs and income tax returns may be required. Be sure to bring exactly what is needed to the appointment.