How to Increase Essential Fatty Acid Intake

Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are fats needed by our bodies for healthy reproductive, immune, nervous and cardiovascular systems and for proper growth in children. We can only obtain these fats through food sources. EFAs are separated into Omega-3s and Omega-6s. There are ways to increase your intake of these essential fatty acids.


  1. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

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      Use flaxseed oil and eat flaxseeds. Flaxseed oil isn't good for cooking or baking, but you can put a little in salads and smoothies. One tablespoon per day will give you the recommended daily dose of alpha-linolenic acid which is the most common of the Omega-3 acids. Add flaxseeds to your bread and muffin recipes.

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      Use cold-pressed and unrefined canola oil for cooking. High-heat refining depletes regular canola oil of the health benefits of alpha linolenic. Soybean oil and wheat germ oil are also rich in linolenic acid.

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      Snack on walnuts, pumpkin seeds and Brazil nuts instead of chips to increase your Omega-3s. Sesame seeds and avocados are also rich in this EFA.

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      Eat fish such as salmon, anchovies, albacore tuna, mackerel and sardines to increase your EFA intake.

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      Eat dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, mustard, collard greens and kale.

    Omega-6 Fatty Acids

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      Use unrefined oils, as the heat used during refinement will deplete the EFA content. Good sources of linoleic acid are found in soybean oil, cottonseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, hempseed oil, grapeseed oil, evening primrose oil and sunflower oil. Instead of butter or margarine, use extra virgin olive oil for cooking or with salt to flavor your vegetables or any other foods.

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      Snack on uncooked pumpkin seeds, pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds and pine nuts to increase your Omega-6 intake.

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      Eat chicken, which is a good source of linoleic acid.

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      Consume very little sugar, alcohol and processed foods which limit the amount of linoleic acid your body can use. If you smoke, have diabetes or experience a lot of stress, this will also inhibit absorption.

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