How to Eat Healthy at Lone Star
Choose items from the menu that are lower in calorie count than others. For an appetizer, the Chicken Tenders are the best choice with only 378 calories per serving. If eating steak, the Five-star Filet is the best with 738 calories. The grilled chicken and salmon are much healthier, with only 186 and 240 calories respectively. For sides, choose steamed vegetables with only 71 calories or Texas Rice with only 80 instead of a baked potato which has 663.
Eat meals that are low in fat. If trying to keep it low-fat, it may be wise to skip steak altogether. The grilled chicken has only 2.4 grams of fat; the salmon has 10.8, while the healthiest steak has over 60 grams of fat. That is the Five-star 9 ounce filet again. For sides, the steamed veggies and rice are again the best choice, with 1 and 2 grams of fat, while the sweet potato has 8 and the baked potato has 18.
Make low-cholesterol choices. If eating steak, the Five-star filet has 180 mg of cholesterol, and the chicken and salmon each have 96 mg. All of the sides are relatively low in cholesterol.
Order things that are low in sodium. The best option for a low-sodium diet is the grilled chicken, with only 108 mg of sodium. The Five-star filet has 126 mg, followed by the 11-ounce Delmonico with 176 mg, and the New York Strip with 210. Order blue cheese dressing for the side salad which has only 13 mg. The best side is a sweet potato with only 37 mg of sodium.
Follow a low-carbohydrate diet while eating at Lone Star. Fortunately, this is the place to eat for a low-carb diet. All of the steaks, chicken and salmon have no carbs at all. Avoid the French and thousand-island salad dressings. Also avoid the potatoes which each have well over 100 grams of carbohydrates.