What should you feed a nursing dog?
Here are some tips on feeding a nursing dog:
- Protein: Nursing dogs need a diet rich in protein, about 25-30%. Look for a food explicitly designed for nursing mothers or puppies, as it will meet these high protein requirements.
- Energy: Nursing dogs also require a lot of calories, about 300-400 calories per pound of body weight per day. Make sure to feed a food high in fat, such as chicken or lamb.
- Vitamins and minerals: Nursing dogs need various vitamins and minerals to support their health and the health of their puppies. Look for a food fortified with these nutrients.
- Water: Nursing dogs need plenty of fresh water to stay hydrated. Make sure to provide your dog with a water bowl at all times.
You may also want to feed your nursing dog supplements, such as:
- Calcium: Nursing dogs need extra calcium to support milk production. You can give your dog a calcium supplement or feed her foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products, eggs, or dark leafy greens.
- Probiotics: Probiotics can help maintain your nursing dog's digestive health. Look for a probiotic designed specifically for dogs or puppies.
- Prenatal vitamins: Prenatal vitamins can help support the health of your nursing dog and her puppies. Talk to your veterinarian before giving your dog any supplements.
Here is a sample feeding schedule for a nursing dog:
- Morning: 1 cup of high-quality dry food
- Midday: ½ cup of dry food mixed with ½ can of wet food
- Evening: 1 cup of dry food
Adjust this schedule as needed to meet your dog's individual needs.
Remember to monitor your nursing dog's weight and body condition; adjust her food intake as needed.