What Is the Advantage of Increasing Your Total Intake of Fiber Each Day?
Increasing Fiber Intake
According to the Institute of Medicine, men and women under age 50 respectively need 38 and 25 grams of fiber per day. Men and women over age 50 respectively need 30 and 21 grams per day. If you're getting less than your recommended daily amount, slowly increase your daily fiber intake by eating more whole grain foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes. If you suddenly increase the amount of fiber you're eating, you may experience gas, bloating or cramping.
Better Digestion
Gradually increasing dietary fiber intake may improve your digestive health. Dietary fiber regulates bowel movements and reduces constipation. It can even help decrease diarrhea because fiber absorbs liquid. Eating a high-fiber diet might also lower your risk of diverticulitis and hemorrhoids. According to the National Cancer Institute, adequate fiber intake may decrease your risk of developing colorectal cancer. It's important to drink plenty of water when increasing your fiber intake -- without enough fluid, fiber may become dry and hard inside your digestive tract.
Cholesterol Control
Added fiber can also help to prevent and manage high cholesterol. According to the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, soluble fibers, such as those in apples, oats and beans, bind to bile acids released into your digestive tract. These bile acids are made from cholesterol in your body. Normally, some of them get reabsorbed into your body. However, when bound to fiber, the bile acids are removed from your body in waste, which helps to lower cholesterol levels.
Weight Loss
If you'd like to lose weight or maintain your current weight, eating more fiber everyday can help. High-fiber foods are relatively bulky and swell inside your digestive tract. They also tend to linger in your stomach longer. These qualities help you to feel satisfied longer while eating fewer calories. High-fiber foods are also usually lower in calories per serving than low-fiber foods. Over time, the calorie savings can help promote weight loss.
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