What Are Good Portions for Meals?
Vegetables and Fruits
One serving of vegetables equals about a half cup of cooked vegetables or 3/4 cup of vegetable juice. One serving of fruit equals half a cup of berries, a medium apple, or half a grapefruit or mango. Vegetable and fruit servings should be about the size of your fist.
A half cup of rice, mashed potatoes or pasta is equivalent to one serving -- about the size of a scoop of ice cream. A small baked potato, waffle or slice of bread is also one serving. A serving of cornbread or a roll is the size of a bar of soap.
Meat, Dairy and Beans
A serving of meat equals three ounces, which could be a medium pork chop, one chicken breast or 1/4 pound of ground meat -- the size of your palm or a deck of cards. Three ounces of fish is the size of a checkbook. A serving of dairy equals 1-1/2 ounces of cheese or one cup of milk or yogurt. One cup of cooked beans -- a serving -- equals the size of a fist or a tennis ball.
Snacks, Fats and Oil
A snack serving equals three or four crackers, a handful of chips or pretzels, one scoop of ice cream or an ounce of chocolate. A serving of butter is the size of a postage stamp but as thick as your finger. A serving of salad dressing equals two tablespoons -- the size of a ping-pong ball.