To Peel or Not to Peel Cucumbers
Nutrients Found in Cucumber Skin
The dark green skin of a cucumber is filled with important nutrients like vitamin A. Vitamin A is a powerful nutrient for eyesight and is beneficial in keeping your eyes and skin hydrated. Cucumber skin is high in fiber, which aides digestion and helps prevent colon cancer. It is also high in potassium, silica and magnesium. Actually, without its skin, a cucumber is mostly water. Cucumbers are generally eaten raw, so their nutrients aren't lost in cooking, and they can be easily sliced or chopped with their skin. They can even be juiced and blended with their skin intact.
Many fruits and vegetables, including cucumbers, are polished with wax before being displayed at the supermarket. The wax is meant to give the produce a shiny and appealing appearance. Also, because cucumbers are fragile vegetables and susceptible to bruising, the wax protects them during transport. Produce wax can be made from many different animal, plant, insect or petroleum sources, and can even contain allergens like milk casein. Wax won't wash off when you rinse your cucumber, so try to purchase non-waxed cucumbers when available. You can peel your cucumber if you want to avoid consuming wax.
Pestasides and Chemicals
The United States Department of Agriculture collects data on pesticide use for each crop. Cucumbers have been found to contain as many as 35 different types of pesticide residue on and in their skin. Of these, nine are suspected to cause cancer, 25 are suspected to interfere with the body's hormone production, 12 affect nerve cells and nine are said to be developmental and reproductive toxins. That information alone is enough to make many people want to peel their cucumbers, the only way to reduce the risk of pesticide consumption in treated cucumbers.
Buying Organic Cucumbers
Buying organic cucumbers is the only compromise that will allow you to leave your cucumber skin on. You will be able to benefit from all of the health benefits from the nutrients contained in the skin while not consuming dangerous chemicals and pesticides. Organic crops are not treated with pesticides or hormones. Look for locally grown cucumbers or cucumbers that are certified organic.