Nutrition Facts for 1 Cup of Basmati Rice
Carbohydrates and Fat
One cup of cooked brown basmati rice provides 216 calories. Basmati contains complex carbohydrates -- 45 g per cup -- that help provide energy for the brain and nervous system. It doesn't contain fat, sodium or gluten. In addition, basmati is cholesterol free and may help balance cholesterol levels. A study by Louisiana State University used volunteers with moderately elevated cholesterol levels to conclude that brown rice oil, rather than its bran, reduces LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, as published in January 2005 "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition."
Other Nutrients
Basmati rice is the leader in essential nutritional content and amino acids for all types of rice. Per cup, it provides 10 percent RDA (recommended daily allowance) for protein. It's also a good source of magnesium -- 84 mg per cup, or 21 percent RDA -- which assists with insulin secretion in the body and helps control blood pressure, and it contains about 2 mg per cup of manganese, essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and protein. The vitamin B content in brown basmati rice, especially niacin, vitamins B-6, B-1 and thiamine, benefits metabolic function, such as blood circulation, digestion and brain function. Other nutrients found in basmati rice include calcium, for healthy bones; potassium, crucial for heart function; copper and zinc; the antioxidant vitamin E; vitamin K for blood clotting and iron for red blood cells.
Glycemic Index
The glycemic index, or GI, is a measurement of how fast a carbohydrate-containing food raises blood glucose levels in the body. Foods with a high GI value raise blood sugar fastest. Whole grains, such as rice, have a low GI, meaning they're digested slower and may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Basmati rice contains a high amount of amylase, a component of starch, which accounts for its low GI value. University Putra Malaysia studied the effect of low GI foods, including rice, in Asians with diabetes, demonstrating that the group with the lowest dietary GI index consumed more foods such as basmati rice, and had a reduction in hemoglobin levels.
Protection Against Cancer
Brown basmati rice contains 3.5 g of fiber per cup or 14 percent RDA, which is twice the amount of insoluble fiber than contained in the white variety. Fiber is necessary for healthy bowels and digestion and may help protect against a variety of cancers. Basmati rice also supplies 27 percent RDA per cup of selenium, which may substantially reduce the risk of colon, breast, stomach, esophageal, prostate, liver and bladder cancers. According to Natural News, selenium may induce DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells, preventing tumor development. In addition, selenium may aid in reducing the progression of cancer.