Non-Sodium Foods

Sodium is an essential minter found in many foods. Too much sodium in your diet can lead to health problems like high blood pressure. You can reduce your sodium intake and improve your overall health by eliminating foods from your diet that have a lot of sodium added; instead, choose foods that have no added sodium, and which naturally have almost no sodium.
  1. Fruits

    • Many fruits and some fruit juices have no sodium in them. Apples, apricots, bananas, cherries, dates, grapes, kiwi, limes, lemons, mangoes, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries and strawberries have no sodium in a single serving. Turn any of these, or a combination of them, into a tasty, heart-healthy juice with a blender and some water. Make a no-sodium, all-natural fruit smoothie by adding crushed ice to a few of your favorite fruits and some water. Blend them together for a cool treat.


    • Vegetables are another excellent source of sodium-free foods. Raw or fresh vegetables should always be eaten over canned, if you are looking for sodium-free foods, as canned vegetables often have salt added to them as a preservative. Eat raw asparagus, avocado, green beans, onions, lettuce, garlic, edamame, squash, corn and tomatillos for healthy, filling sodium-free food options. Create a healthy, non-sodium snack by popping some popcorn in an air popper and eating it plain.

    Non-meat Protein

    • Beans and nuts make an excellent source of non-sodium, non-meat protein. Almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pecans and walnuts, all raw and unsalted, are sodium-free nuts that make a filling, delicious snack. Dried peas, lentils, beans and legumes can be cooked with water to provide a filling no-sodium meal.


    • Several common grains have no sodium in them, including old fashioned steel cut or whole grain oats, puffed wheat, puffed rice and shredded wheat. Wheat farina and unbleached, whole wheat flour have no sodium. These food items make excellent breakfast choices and can be combined with water and sweetened with honey to provide a delicious, no-sodium meal.

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