How to Lose a Man Gut
Eat balanced, satisfying meals with plenty of lean proteins and complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Ideally, 25 percent of calories should come from proteins, 45 should come from carbohydrates and 30 percent should come from fats. Protein and unsaturated fats such as those in olive oil and nuts leave you feeling fuller longer.
Avoid simple carbohydrates such as refined sugar and white pastas and breads. Although some fad diets claim most or all carbohydrates should be avoided for weight loss, complex carbs are necessary for a healthy diet.
Count calories throughout the day, at least when you're initially getting used to your lifestyle change. The average man needs between 2,400 and 2,800 calories per day to feel satisfied. Consuming fewer calories in an attempt to lose weight eventually backfires in the form of an eating binge.
Engage in cardiovascular exercise to reduce fat. To stay motivated, choose an exercise you enjoy, be it rowing, running, biking, walking briskly, doing aerobics or playing sports. It makes little difference whether you work out alone or in a group, at a gym or outside. The point is to choose an exercise plan you enjoy, so you look forward to working out. In the last few minutes of your cardiovascular routine, contract your abdominal muscles for 30 seconds and release them for 15 seconds. This tightens your midsection.
Lift weights. Extra muscle speeds up your metabolism and tightens your body as you lose weight. When lifting weights, contract your abdominal muscles to flatten your stomach area.
Exercise your abdominal muscles specifically by doing crunches or using an abdominal machine at the gym. Keep tension in your abs throughout the routine. Abdominal exercises alone do not eliminate a gut; they must be combined with cardiovascular exercise, weight training and good nutrition to effectively flatten and tone the midsection.