Pros for Raw Milk
Healthy cows do not require regular doses of antibiotics that transfer to the milk. Raw milk dairies believe free-range, grass-fed cows are healthier because they are living as nature intended. These free-range cows produce natural amounts of milk. Milk that comes from traditional dairy farming often contains antibiotic residue because cows often require the use of antibiotics to treat infected udders due to the high volume of milk production required. Antibiotic residue regularly consumed in commercial milk is believed to contribute to antibiotic resistance to harmful bacterial infections in humans, according to the Sustainable Table website.
Growth Hormones
Raw milk is free of recombinant bovine growth hormones, or rBGH. Raw milk advocates attribute adverse effects -- such as an increase in allergies, autism and various digestion issues -- to rBGH found in commercial milk. Additionally, it is believed that rBGH contributes to rapid growth rate and earlier onset of puberty in children. Many other countries have already banned the use of rBGH, and commercially processed milk producers in the United States are gradually moving away from the using rBGH, largely due to consumer pressure, according to the Organic Consumers website.
Helpful Bacteria
Digestive enzymes and helpful bacteria remain intact in raw milk. Similar to the live bacteria found in quality brands of yogurt, raw milk contains bacteria that promote a healthy digestive system. The pasteurization of commercially available milk is heated in order to kill harmful bacteria; unfortunately the process also kills bacteria that contributes to intestinal health.
Fatty Acid
Raw milk is an excellent source of CLA. Conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, is a fatty acid found in animal products. Grass-fed cows have much higher levels than their grain-fed counterparts, reports the Raw Milk Facts website. CLA has been found to reduce the risk of numerous types of cancer, reduce LDL while raising HDL cholesterol levels and assist your body in burning stubborn belly fat. Although CLA supplements are available, your diet is the optimal way to increase this beneficial fatty acid in your body.