What Is Papaya Fruit Good For?
Aiding Digestion
The fruit is extremely easy to digest, thus making the process much easier on your body. Papaya aids in digestion due to its high level of the digestive enzyme known as papain. This enzyme lowers the chance of inflammation caused by digestion and improves healing time of inflammation burns caused by stomach acids within the intestines, esophagus and stomach.
Helping to Prevent Cancer
Papaya's contain fiber that is able to block cancer-causing toxins from attacking the colon. Papaya is especially beneficial in glands and organs that contain epithelial tissues. The vitamin E, vitamin C folate and beta-carotene found in papaya is commonly associated with reducing the risk of an individual developing colon cancer. Increase your consumption of papaya if you know you are at risk for colon cancer.
Fighting Infections
Papaya juices are known to prevent infections once they come in contact with pus and mucus. Papaya is also a great way to fight off infections in the colon, skin and other organs where infections may be difficult to detect and treat. Papaya also helps fight off E. coli, salmonella, and staph infections.
Helping the Liver
Papaya is beneficial for detoxifying the liver. The papaya seeds are the most beneficial part of the papaya, and should be ingested to experience the fullest benefit of the fruit. The papaya seeds must be ingested after each meal, or a minimum of three times a day, with 2 tsp. full each time.