How Do High Amounts of Sugar Affect You?
Sugar that has entered your body's bloodstream is called glucose. Every time you consume bread, fruit and most breakfast cereals, your body breaks this food down and absorbs the sugar content. For a healthy person this process supplies him with energy. Individuals who develop pancreatic problems or the condition of insulin resistance become diagnosed with diabetes. This medical condition is the result of too much glucose or what is medically described as a high blood sugar level.
Fructose is a natural sweetener organically produced by fruits and vegetables. When structured into crystalline form, fructose is used as a food additive that sweetens food and beverages. The problem that fructose creates when over-consumed occurs during the digestive process. Once your body has ingested a healthy amount of fructose, it begins to quickly convert the excess amount into fat. Unless you are physically active enough to burn this stored fat, you are following a dietary pattern that contributes to obesity.
Sucrose is sugar derived from a sugar cane or beet. The common use for sucrose is syrup, table sugar and popular candies. Sucrose does not poise a health danger until it is eaten in high amounts on a consistent basis. Internally, sucrose decomposes and begins to absorb water before entering into the stomach and intestines. When you over-indulge in sucrose-flavored delights you will experience gas or diarrhea. Over a span of time, this progresses into the development of tooth cavities, hardening of your arteries and other health complications.
Lactose is a sugar that is produced from milk. A person who is lactose intolerant is an individual who is unable to digest this form of sugar because of the absence of enzymes in the body. Enzymes allow humans to digest lactose without complications. When you are lactose intolerant, you may enjoy small quantities of milk products. Too much dairy in your diet will lead to nausea, bloating, cramps or irregular bowel movements.