What Six Roles Does Water Play in Our Body?
Homeostasis is the regulation of your body's environment. One of the most important aspects of homeostasis is the regulation of body temperature. Water plays a large role in maintaining your body's temperature, as when your body gets too hot, you perspire. Perspiration is the release of water from the body to get rid of heat and maintain homeostasis within the body.
Water is an important player in the digestive process. Your saliva, partially composed of water, is the first thing that begins to break down food. Water helps your body break down minerals and soluble fiber, as well as assists in your body getting the most from vitamins in your food. Water helps your body absorb the nutrients it needs from foods and then release unnecessary toxins and waste through urine, sweat and feces.
Disease Prevention
Water is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and helps prevent diseases. Water is present in your lymph nodes -- an active part of your immune system -- as hydrated bodies are better at fighting off illness and disease. Water keeps skin healthy and hydrated and prevents skin disease associated with dehydration. Water helps remove dangerous and possible cancer-causing toxins from your body.
Staying hydrated is essential to your body's health, and according to Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, drinking water is the best way to hydrate your body. Staying hydrated helps your metabolism function properly, aids in digestion, and keeps your skin healthy and elastic. Hydration is especially important for pregnant or nursing mothers because water helps provide nutrients to the fetus and to a mom's breast milk.
Water is important in protecting our bodies. Water keeps our tissue moist and helps protect areas that have thin membranes such as the nose, eyes and mouth. Water also lubricates your joints, and protects them by adding cushioning around them so they can function properly. Water protects joints from experiencing shock when you move, as well as keeps your spinal cord cushioned from shock and injury.
Water helps carry oxygen throughout the body, as it is is oxygen-rich and present in our blood. Water disperses oxygen through the body, bringing nutrients to all parts. It also removes carbon dioxide as it travels through the body. Proper hydration allows our body to have the proper amount of oxygen to function.