Kinds Of Peas
Shelling Peas
When you think of the stereotypical pea, chances are you think of the most common type, the shelling pea. Because the pods contain too much fiber to be eaten, the peas must be shelled before they are consumed.
Snow Peas and Sugar Peas
Snow peas are commonly used in foods like stir-frys, and the entire thing is edible: pod and peas together. Unlike shelling peas, hardly any peas are inside the pod, and should be eaten before the pods begin to fill out to enjoy their sweet flavor.
Snap Peas
These peas are similar in outward appearance to shelling peas, except they have a sweet, crunchy pod that can easily be eaten. When the pea pods are ripe, they snap apart, much like the pods of green beans.
Ways of Growing
Peas grow in two different ways, and all three types of peas grow in both ways. Dwarf peas grow close to the ground, and climbing peas grow into tangles and snarls around each other if you don't provide them with a wire or a fence to climb while they grow.