Medical Uses of the Loquat Tree
According to Chinese medicine, when energy in the body becomes stagnant, it creates heat which, in the throat area, can lead to sticky phlegm that creates a cough. Loquat leafs are rich in volatile oils such as farnoquiol, which can move phlegm out of the throat area.
Nausea and Vomiting
Nausea and vomiting are both due to an imbalance in the digestion system. Tea with Loquat leaf can be used to harmonize stomach acids. The fruit has also been used to reduce vomiting and thirst.
Loquat leafs are high in B vitamins, specifically B-17 and antioxidants, elements that can help to treat and prevent a variety of cancers. Recent research found that Loquat leaf contains chemicals that can slow skin cancer and stop cancer cells from reproducing and growing.
Loquats are frequently prescribed as part of a healing diet of herbs to treat diabetes, and have been approved by the Chinese government to prevent and treat diabetes. Diabetes is a disorder in the way the body uses digested food for energy. Insulin is the chemical your body makes to move the glucose created by the food you ingest into energy. People with diabetes have little or no insulin production. Loquat leaf produces two chemicals that increase insulin production: tormentic acid and polysaccharides.