What Eats Termites?
Army Ants
Army ants can puncture skin with their pinchers. Army ants, or legendary ants, are the most vicious of the ant species. Bearing the longest legs of any ant, they will eat anything they can overpower in the animal and insect realms. Some army ants have long, curved pinchers with the strength to puncture human skin. When hunting termites, one well placed claw will kill them.
Aardvarks use their senses to find and eat termites. The aardvark is a nocturnal animal, consuming tens to thousands of termites daily. Cupping their long ears forward, they intently listen for the sound of insects and walk in a sweeping motion across the ground. When they catch a scent, they use their spoon-shaped claws to dig through the dirt in search of the termites. Once located, aardvarks use their sticky tongue to slurp them up, feasting until they are full.
Dragon and humpback flies prey on termites. Both dragon and humpback flies prey on termites. Dragonflies capture termites in mid air with their thick legs and grind them into edible pieces. They often attack termite colonies in groups, enjoying them in mass amounts instead of singularly. Humpback flies resemble fruit flies, distinguishable by a large bump located on their midsection. Attracted to termite nests, garbage cans and decaying vegetation, humpback flies will eat termites in any situation.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are highly aggressive. Fire ants are highly aggressive, attacking their prey in a large group to stun, overwhelm and eat them. There are two types of fire ants, red and black. Red fire ants are more violent, quicker to attack termites and always hunting. Black fire ants scavenge when necessary, but are not aroused by the opportunity to hunt. Both species infect their prey with venom, killing food ranging from termites to pets and livestock.