Essential Oil Types & Their Uses
The top 10 essential oils as rated by the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy are peppermint, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang, geranium, lavender, lemon, clary sage, tea tree, roman chamomile, and rosemary. Essential oils are also created from vegetables, herbs and spices. If you buy oils with odors you find unpleasant you will not benefit from the aromatic effects.
Essential oils provide relief from pain, stress, depression, sore muscles, chafed skin and other skin problems. They are beneficial for relaxation and blood circulation. Essential oils can be massaged onto the skin, inhaled or ingested. Aromatherapy is commonly used by professional massage therapists, however, there are many books on the market that teach introductory skills.
Purchasing essential oils can be confusing because there are so many brands to choose from. Some include Young Living Essential Oils, Mountain Rose Herbs and SomaTherapy. Buy oils from vendors that sell in dark glass bottles in smaller sizes. Oils deteriorate quickly in plastic and may even degrade the plastic bottle itself. Brands that advertise a specific grade of oil should be avoided as there is no central body that regulates and grades the quality of essential oils.
Essential oils may be bought for as little as a dollar. If you use Google's shopping feature and search for essential oils, you will be presented with many types. Be sure to read published reviews as some oils may not be pure or may contain chemicals.