Uses of Silver as a Micronutrient
Nanoparticles of silver demonstrate antibacterial properties in the laboratory when synthesized into the zeolite (a crystalline, porous aluminosilicate) structure. The silver particles are effective in killing bacteria of both gram-negative (E. coli and Shigella dysentrie) and gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus or MRSA) varieties when applied to cultured agars. These properties are particularly useful in biomedical applications.
Silver nanoparticles coated with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP-coated AgNPs) have been used at nonctyotoxic (not harmful to cells) concentrations to kill and prevent the spread of the HIV-1 virus and other viruses. Its application proved successful when added to topical, nonspermicidal gel. The silver fortified topical gel used as a pretreatment to the cervical area for one minute will prevent the immediate transmission of the HIV virus and if pretreated for 20 minutes the effect will last for 48 hours.
Silver nanoparticles have been used for research regarding the fungal attacks on Korean oak trees. Silver nanoparticles proved to have antifungal properties, inhibiting the growth of the fungus Raffaelea sp. in degrees directly correlating to dosage levels. When observed under a microscope, silver nanoparticles are found to be detrimental to fungal hyphae (branching structures responsible for growth) and conidial germination (production of spores).
Silver Colloid Supplements
Silver colloids are sold as supplements, but lack significant scientific evidence backing the beneficial health claims they are marketed under. There is evidence indicating that the use of silver colloids in over-the-counter supplement form can result in toxic levels of silver in the body over time. Some associated symptoms to silver toxicity are graying of the skin, skin irritation and, in severe cases, kidney damage and seizures.