Negative Impacts of Milk on the Body
Nutritional Benefits
Even though cow's milk is designed for baby cows, it still provides good nutrition for human children. It contains fats, calcium, carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, and minerals, but does not contain iron, all wrapped up in one easy-to-use product. Milk also can help with restless sleep, prevent lead from absorbing into bones and teeth, balance the pH level in the body, and help control nutrients passing through the cell walls.
Although milk has calcium and vitamin D in it, many other vegetables and foods contain a lot more than the amount in a glass of milk. Pasteurization of milk cuts the calcium content of milk in half. Almonds, leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds and grains contain more calcium than milk. Calcium is important for the bones and teeth, helps regulate the heartbeat, builds muscles, protects us from blood clots and colon cancer, prevents muscle cramps, helps with nerve impulse transmissions, and is important in enzyme function.
Milk Allergies
The Dr. Sears website describes a controlled study that showed approximately 75 percent of children under age 1 were allergic to cow's milk. This allergy is generally outgrown by the age of 2 to 3. In younger babies, it can cause multiple colds and ear infections. It can also cause leaky gut syndrome because it weakens the lining in the intestine and causes leakage into the bloodstream. People with milk allergies are generally allergic to the protein in milk but often can eat cheese, yogurt and milk in baked goods.
Lactose Intolerance
Some adults and children are lactose intolerant. They do not have enough of the lactase enzyme to digest the lactose in the milk. If there is too much lactose in the ingested foods for the available lactase in the intestinal lining, they get gas, bloating, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Lactose intolerance can also cause headaches, bad breath and fatigue.
Dangers of rBGH and Antibiotics
Many dairy farms use rBGH to increase milk production in cows. The hormone causes inflammation of the udder in cows, which can contaminate the milk from secreted pus. Antibiotics used to treat the inflammation can also get into the milk supply. The milk from rBGH-treated cows also has IGF-1, which is an insulin-like growth factor. Studies reported in "Science" from Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women's Hospital showed that this growth factor can increase prostate cancer risk by 4.3 percent.
Illnesses Linked to Milk
Salmonella, E.coli, bacterial contamination, staphylococcal infections and some cancers have been linked to milk. In a study from the "British Medical Journal," a large sample of milk drinkers in Norway was followed for 11 1/2 years. This study showed that people who drank three glasses of whole milk per day had a twofold increase in ovarian and lung cancer, and an increase in prostate cancer.
Be a Knowledgeable Consumer
Milk can do a body good, but negative side effects can occur when too much milk is consumed. The recommended daily allowance is three eight-ounce glasses of milk per day. Eat a well-balanced nutritious diet and don't rely on milk for all your nutritional needs.